Worley plans 34 x 250 MW solar plants in Australia

I don't often post news items, in fact I don't often post :-). However, this is pretty interesting. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Worley Parsons, Australia's largest engineeering company, is planning to build 34 250 MW solar power stations. You can read about it here.
It will be interesting to find out which technology they will use. The article says they would use "technology employed in the United States over the past 20 years" and build the plants by 2020. Strictly interpreted, that limits the candidates to existing power tower and trough technologies. It would not include home-town boy Ausra, who announced seperate discussions with Australian governments.
Bottom Line: US based solar thermal companies will be looking overseas to avoid the desert land grab in the US. Look for more innovative technologies from Australia and other Asia-Pacific countries coming to the US for capital.

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