
Welcome to a new blog dedicated to bringing technology to market. The technology can be software, hardware or new business systems.
I hope this blog will provide useful ideas in a simple, concise and thought provoking way (you will be the judge). I am not trying to establish a media empire,so expect regular rather than frequent postings.
Some of the topics we will cover in future posts:
- Establishing your markets in the US, Europe or Asia
- Raising smart money
- Making the pitch to investors
- Sales and Marketing
- Managing your cash (or other people's cash)
- Product development and life-cycle management
- Building and protecting your IP and market position
- Managing outsourced business models
- Hiring and managing your team
- Simple ideas to plan and manage your business
- New technology to help manage your business
- Selecting and implementing IT tools for large and small companies
We will have contributions and short interviewswith interesting and useful people.
We hope to provoke thought, as well as provide practical information on getting tech2mkt.

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