Think Big. Get close to your customers in US.

Here is a nice interview with Jeremy Liew of Lightspeed Ventures featured in TechNation Australia.
Jeremy's direct style shines through. My favourite quotes:
What are some of the most common mistakes you see aussie start-ups making?
Not thinking big enough. Focusing on technology instead of customer problems. Not looking for a global perspective in employees, leadership and investors early enough.
What do you think is stopping Australia from becoming a leading global tech-hub?
Market Size. Aussie companies need to look to global markets, and that means relocating closer to customers, so there is a limited runway that a company can have while based in Australia.
What advice would give an Aussie startup considering making the move to the US now?
The time to move to the US (or anywhere that is close to your markets) is when you’re ready to talk to customers. No need to move before that. But you must do it once you’re talking to customers. Otherwise, it is just too hard to stay top of mind as a startup.
What is the one bit of advice you would give a startup founder?
You can change your team, you can change your technology, but you can’t change your market.
Bottom Line: It won't take you long to read, but you will learn a lot.

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